

Teach Our Kids, They Can Learn!: A Special Education Primer, Henry S. Roane, 9781463713171


This is a simple handbook about Special Education. It is intended to help parents, teachers and students to gain a better understanding of Special Education and how to give and receive help. It is not intended as an exhaustive or comprehensive academic text. It is written in simple and understandable language for all level of readers. Please don’t expect this book to be a comprehensive in-depth explanation of Special Education laws or definitions. We have plenty of those already and most people can’t understand them anyway, which is why we have so many interpretations of what they mean. I really don’t want to muddy the water any more than it is. What this book hopes to accomplish is a simple, clear and helpful understanding of Special Education and how the educator and the parent can help our kids. In other words a helpful handbook to Special Education. When reading this book or especially when working in the field of Special Education there is one most important feature in your life that is so critical you won’t succeed without it. One simply must have a sense of humor!!! It doesn’t hurt to be a little crazy also but a sense of humor is critical.

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