

Teaching Civics in the Library: An Instructional and Historical Guide for School and Public Librarians, Emily Dial Driver, 9780786496723


Civics education is “on the books” in all 50 states, yet civic illiteracy is astonishingly widespread, to the point only one-third of twelfth graders can explain the significance of the Declaration of Independence. Lending library and education leaders, school and public librarians, change agents, policy makers and politicians an inquiry not only into the historical and philosophical foundations of civics education, but also into the reasons for its alarming demise, this text explores the recommendations of civics education leaders, researchers, and scholars across the nation. The need for a return to early twentieth century civics education practices is detailed, along with the traditional and present-day role of America’s libraries in developing a civic-minded populace. As a landmark hybrid treatise/practice guide, as well as a means to an end, the second half of the book urges school and public librarians to utilize high-interest trade books and carefully evaluated websites to immediately integrate civics education practices within educational and youth services offerings. Carefully constructed questions eliciting civic discussion, as well as detailed civic action/service project suggestions, are provided for all grade levels, along with civic-oriented reading promotion plans, collection development best practices, grant writing options, and extended units of learning.

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