

Teaching Students With Emotional Disturbance: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher, Gilbert Guerin, 9781412939515


When a student is inattentive, extremely anxious, or has an outright tantrum in the classroom, ascertaining the exact cause may be difficult, but it is a critical step in reaching and teaching the students who exhibit these behaviours. In Teaching Students With Emotional Disturbance, Ysseldyke and Algozzine show readers how to recognize the cognitive, academic, physical, communicational, and behavioural characteristics of several forms of emotional disturbance and offer specific strategies for responding to anxiety issues, opposition and non-compliance, tantrums, disruptiveness, inattention, task avoidance, and more. Highlights include o A pre-test and post-test to help readers assess their understanding about the origins of social and emotional difficulties and how they are best addressed o Effective interventions and instructional adaptations for students who have emotional problems o Trends and issues currently influencing how students with social and emotional problems are taught o Key vocabulary terms Bob Algozzine is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina and project codirector of the U.S. Department of Education-supported Behavior and Reading Improvement Center. With 25 years of research experience and extensive firsthand knowledge of teaching students classified as seriously emotionally disturbed, Algozzine is a uniquely qualified staff developer, conference speaker, and teacher of behavior management and effective teaching courses. He is active in special education practice as a partner and collaborator with professionals in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in North Carolina and as an editor of several journals focused on special education. Algozzine has written more than 250 manuscripts on special education topics, including many books and textbooks on how to manage emotional and social behavior problems.

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