

The Bilingual Revolution: The Future of Education is in Two Languages (Bilingual Revolution), Michael Byram, 9781947626003


Conceived as a practical, accessible “how to” guide, The Bilingual Revolution is the story of a movement to bring dual language education to public schools told through the eyes of founding parents and educators. These pioneering mothers, fathers, teachers, and principals share the belief that bilingual education can positively transform a child, a school, a community, and even a country. Although the roots of bilingual education in the United States can be traced back to the 17th century, a new push to embrace heritage languages, produce bilingual global citizens, and create a cultural sense of community is taking the education sector by storm. New York City provides the backdrop for the book, where parents have fought for access to various bilingual public school programs from preschool to high school. Similar programs have developed in hundreds of cities in the United States and around the world. The Bilingual Revolution tells the story of successes and setbacks of parents and educators through vignettes that yield practical advice. In their diversity, these portraits paint a picture of a viable 21st-century solution to preserve linguistic heritage and to raise a generation of young bilingual, biliterate, multicultural citizens of the world. The book will inspire and engage readers who want to create their own bilingual programs. Being bilingual can become the new norm and it starts with our youth and our education systems. A bilingual revolution for the common good is already underway. Originrio de Valenciennes, Hauts-de-France, Fabrice Jaumont chegou aos Estados Unidos em 1997 para servir como adido lingustico no Consulado Francs em Boston, posio que o introduziu ao ensino bilngue nos Estados Unidos. Em seguida, atuou como Diretor Adjunto da Escola Internacional de Boston. Ele agora vive em Nova Iorque, onde supervisiona o desenvolvimento de programas bilngues nas escolas americanas, enquanto serve como adido lingustico no servio cultural da Embaixada da Frana em Nova Iorque e como oficial de programas para a Fundao FACE. Muito envolvido na comunidade francesa, ele o fundador da plataforma online New York in French. Em reconhecimento ao seu trabalho na rea da educao, Fabrice Jaumont foi condecorado pelo governo francs em 2012 com a medalha de Chevalier de l’Ordre national des Palmes acadmiques. O New York Times o apelidou de “Patrocinador de Programas de Imerso Lingustica” em 2014. Ele recebeu a Medalha de Reconhecimento pelo Comit das Associaes Francesas nos Estados Unidos em 2015 e o Prmio Diversidade Cultural pela Organizao Internacional da Francofonia em 2016. doutor em educao internacional pela New York University e tambm filiado Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme por suas pesquisas sobre o papel da filantropia no desenvolvimento da educao internacional.

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