

The Changing Faces of Autism: Parents’ Guide to the New Criteria Changes and Misdiagnosis, John McInnes, 9781482348200

Author: John McInnes


Are you a frustrated and busy parent who is struggling because your child has received an autism diagnosis? Do you or his teachers question the autism diagnosis? Misdiagnosis of autism is not uncommon and can have devastating consequences for children and their families. Do you know that the criteria for autism will change in May of 2013, and that some children who have the diagnosis may lose it?. The face of autism will change around the world. The changes may prove to provide more children with accurate diagnoses but it could end services for some children who may lose the diagnosis. Autism is a lifelong, pervasive disorder unlike some other disorders that are not. Many times your child’s actual diagnosis may be correctable with proper therapies and you must remember that there is no cure for autism. Reading this quick and easy guide will assist parents in obtaining the correct diagnosis for their child, and to seek the appropriate professional to assist them. This is a concise, affordable book packed with vital and important information that is written from a professional’s perspective. The author has 34 years of experience on the front line of the education system, and she has spent many years with a focus on autism diagnoses. Included is information from various sources concerning the effect that the changes in the diagnostic criteria may have on those already diagnosed. This book was written for parents whose busy lifestyles do not allow for time to do in-depth research but who want to seek out the most accurate and proper diagnosis and treatment for their child.

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