

The Internet: Are children in charge?: Theory of Digital Supervision, Elina Ayaokur, 9780228822257


“I am afraid people are seeing that video”, thinks Jennie, a 12-year-old child pornography victim, a thought she has every day she wakes up. “What has that bully said online today to make me want to kill myself?”, thinks a 13-year-old victim of bullying, contemplating suicide. “I sent my nude to that man on the game – hope he doesn’t share it. I will be in deep trouble”, thinks an 8-year-old. Do their parents or caregivers know? Would you want to know if your child is being targeted by predators? A bully or victim? Suicidal? Thinking of killing someone? How can children be supervised online in a proactive approach to avoid such negative consequences? Charlene Doak-Gebauer has developed a user-friendly Theory of Digital Supervision, to be used for child and family online protection. She states the Internet hosts more predation than any host in the history of the world. Predation is everywhere – the Internet, our neighbourhoods, schools, and any other place a person can imagine. Predators can include unknowns, knowns, peers, family, and other types of acquaintances. Children are too independent from adult guidance. Would you give your eight-year-old child the keys to your car and let them drive unsupervised? Yet, they have the key to your router, and journey the world unsupervised. Digital Supervision is necessary. Read and learn how to protect your children and their futures. Charlene Doak-Gebauer has researched, written a progressive Theory of Digital Supervision, is considered an expert in her subject, travels globally to share her expertise, and leads audiences toward proactive digital child and family protection. She is a qualified secondary school educator, Computer Specialist and Network Administrator in Education, an author, a playwright, and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Charlene is a global speaker, having presented in Canada, the United States, Iceland, Europe and India. She is referred to as an expert in online child protection. Her first book, “Digital Sexual Victims: True Cases”, was nominated for an international award by the Delta Kappa Gamma society of educators. Awards: The Bishop Townshend Award of Teaching Excellence; The International Women of Excellence Award, 2018.

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