

The Modern Caveman, Bowcott, 9781300421924

Author: Bowcott
SKU: 9781300421924 Category: Tag: Product ID: 2327


Imagine if you will a future where we are at war with another country. Not the ones we are currently in with us being superior in every aspect, but one that is equally or even better matched than we are. What if instead of detonating a nuclear weapon over our soil they release an EMP wave from a “communications satellite” and shut down every single computer, cellphone, iPod and electrical system in our country. How will you call for help? How will you check your bank account to purchase much needed supplies? How will you cook foods, keep warm and survive. Sadly most of you won’t. Only a few select few who have the skills needed to rely on their unit will have a chance. The Modern Caveman will give you the tools needed to survive!

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