

The Purple Guide to THINKING AND MEMORY, Armada Press, 9781508987024

Author: Armada Press
SKU: 9781508987024 Category: Tag: Product ID: 237385


Have you ever had trouble thinking or remembering? Then, The Purple Guide to THINKING AND MEMORY is for you. It covers a range of practical ways to think about situations and things. It contains insightful and helpful guidance to the theory and practice of memory. In no time at all you will be thinking straight and remembering masses of stuff you would have thought impossible just days before. The Purple guide to THINKING AND MEMORY has an extensive range of help and ideas to improve your memory: CHARTS AND TABLES THE ROMAN ROOM ACRONYMS ACROSTICS STORY MAKING RHYMES CHUNKING READING ALOUD REMEMBERING NAMES & FACES MIND MAPS When you have finished this book you are going to remember it.It is the most effective aid to THINKING AND MEMORY you can buy.

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