

The SAT Solutions 2014 – Unauthorized Companion to the Official SAT Study Guide, Amy E. Stich, 9781497528574


The College Board Official SAT Study Guide is the only book with real SAT practice tests. Yet it only provides an answer key with no explanations ( A, B, C, D, E). This unauthorized companion to the Official SAT Study Guide provides solutions and explanations to all 10 tests in the Official SAT Study Guide. Learn to get the right answers the right way using the thinking, logic, and problem solving that is meant to be done, NOT by guessing / chance / tricks / process of elimination. These explanations & solutions are what friends, parents, or even 99% of those SAT tutors / instructors can provide. Every problem ( all 1700 in the Official SAT Study Guide ) was solved SEVERAL times for the most direct and clear method, and taught live to literally hundreds of students in lessons and classes as part of a SAT course. Hundreds of students in the classes have already tested these solutions and searched for flaws or better methods making these solutions solid.

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