

The Teacher’s Guide to Success: Teaching Effectively in Today’s Classrooms [With DVD], Judy Clegg, 9780205456192

Author: Judy Clegg


How do successful teachers become successful? What skills do they have and which resources do they use? Dr. Ellen Kronowitz explores the keys to successful teaching and offers a realistic view of today’s classrooms and presents a very practical approach to preparing to teach. Pre-service and in-service teachers alike are provided tried and true experienced-based suggestions and research-based strategies and solutions to meet classroom challenges. Organized by 8 topical units that address common, overriding concerns in the classroom, teachers are taken from the first day to the end of the school year. Each of the brief chapters within each unit simplifies the complex challenges teachers face including: having a successful first day, organizing the classroom with proven routines and procedures, disciplining students in a respectful and positive manner, mapping out a differentiated curriculum, teaching with proven research-based strategies, assessing student learning, working with parents, preparing students for standardized tests, addressing the personal and professional needs of teachers, and much more. Paired with a powerful DVD that comes with every book, readers are provided with tips from leading authorities in education, examples from live classrooms, and printable resources ready for immediate use in the classroom.

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