

Understanding Andrew Marvell’s Cromwell and Eulogy Poems: A-level Study Guide (Gavin’s Guides Extra), Gill Chilton, 9781500305833

Author: Gill Chilton


Andrew Marvell. Diplomat. Treaty negotiator. Career politician. Tutor to the children of the rich and famous. Political commentator. Political scientist. Religious thinker. Satirist. Moralist. Oh, and I almost forgot- Poet. As a student, or perhaps a teacher of English Literature, it will be this element of the man that concerns and interests you most. But if, right now, you are feeling as concerned as interested – then take heart: this guide aims to help change all that! Because of the line length of particular poems, and because of what may at first seem like challenging word choices, many people come reluctantly to Marvell. It is too difficult; his poems are ‘too clever’; they are soaked in obscure literary traditions. It is all too old-hat. But! In this short guide I aim to show you that the reverse is true. Marvell can be straightforward and rewarding to read, when we approach him in a disciplined way. The poetry of this clever man is filled with insights into his own times, tempered with irony. Both his insights and his irony are just as relevant to us and our times, too. Like my other Gavin’s Guides, this book aims to help you come to admire the author AND raise your exam grade. Right now, Marvell is a chosen text for OCR A-Level. Exam questions ask candidates to compare Marvell with another text. This means you are free to choose which Marvell poems you study. However, examiners have inferred that the shorter, lyrical poems are not enough. So here I tackle some of the big guns! The poems under the microscope in this volume are: Tom May’s Death An Epitaph upon—— Upon the Death of the Lord Hastings An Elegy upon the Death of My Lord Francis Villiers An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland The First Anniversary of the Government under His Highness the Lord Protector A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness the Lord Protector Come with me on the journey of exploring Marvell’s methods and meanings, and you’ll be fascinated, too. The First Anniversary of the Government under His Highness the Lord Protector A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness the Lord Protector Together with my sections on ‘Exam Technique’ and ‘What makes Marvell such a great poet’ these poems will provide enough insight to answer exam questions fully. This is a Gavin’s Guide Extra – it is aimed at able pupils and their teachers. About the author: Gavin Smithers is a private tutor, covering the north Cotswolds. He has an English degree from Oxford University and a passion for helping others to discover the joy and satisfaction of great literature. Gavin’s Guides are short books packed with insight. Their key aim is to help you raise your grade! Books such as this one, which are identified as Gavin’s Guides Extra are aimed at the more able student and also at teachers.

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