

Understanding John Steinbeck’s of Mice and Men: GCSE Study Guide for Summer 2015 OCR and AQA Students, Morris, Neil, 9781501089565


This guide has also been written specifically to assist GCSE candidates who are taking the OCR and AQA exams. If that’s you, then I can show you why I think having Of Mice and Men as one of your set texts is a bonus. Get ready to truly understand what the writer is trying to say – and how he can in fact say so much in so few words. All you need is a few clear hours and an open, curious mind … Why a Gavin’s Guide? It is likely you have browsed online or gone to a bookshop and discovered that there are numerous study guides on this text already. Many of them are useful reference points for summaries of the plot and the characters. Few, if any, explain or analyse in much detail as this guide does how Steinbeck manages and organises our response as we read. Yet, it is understanding this – and being able to communicate that you do to your examiner – that will mean you can more easily achieve a good grade. I am a private tutor who has helped individual students improve their grades. Now in book and on Kindle, I would like to extend that support to you! With this short guide, I can help you: * Get to grips with the plot * Grasp what motivates the characters to act as they do * Improve your essay technique * Explore key Steinbeck themes, including the American Dream and why the title itself is important. * Help you to gain confidence for the extract question. * Put into context the film versions of the book that you may have seen at school or on DVD. * Give your very best under exam conditions. I am also ready to answer any further questions you may have on the text, via my personal email. This is a free service, to buyers of my book.

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