

Unreal Education: Beyond Report Cards, Callum Armstrong, 9781539184188


New Book Offers Support and Information for Parents with Special Needs Children, As They Navigate the Special Education System A Mom tells her painful yet inspiring story that both her son and family endured within the public school system as a result of an incorrect Special Ed diagnosis. Offering readers a glimpse into her son’s heartbreaking yet ultimately triumphant story, author and mother, Elaine Mellon, unmasks a compelling portrait of the astonishing and overwhelmingly frustrating experiences and roadblocks she faced. Her new book, unREAL Education: Beyond Report Cards (Second Edition), offers a powerful expose’ on the public school system (both good and not so good) through the true story of her son’s academic struggles. Mellon candidly reveals actual accounts, over a 25 year period, with sometimes shocking revelations that she encountered for many years – often times battling on her own and without the advocacy of school officials. From a mother’s perspective who fought tirelessly on behalf of her son, the author reveals how initially, though unsuccessfully, she tried balancing the academic systems put into place in an effort to assist her son, Blake, with his personal educational difficulties. This balancing act provided Mellon with both the sensitivity and understanding of special education both academically and through personal experience. While she initially learned the basic foundation in her graduate studies, it was her ongoing research and advanced training, which proved vital to the plight of her son, thus providing her with the tools to actively and effectively advocate on his behalf. Her successful accomplishments – fueled by extensive research, on-going participation in educational workshops and attending dozens of seminars and conferences for more than a decade – are shared within the pages of her recently published book. ( Ms. Mellon hopes unREAL Education: Beyond Report Cards (Second Edition) will encourage and offer a fresh perspective of support to other parents and child guardians as they navigate their way through the maze of the public educational system.

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