

Using Geography to Develop 21st Century Skills in Learners, Sharon L. Senk, 9783639514841


This book explores the research question: How can secondary school geography develop 21st century skills and competencies in learners? A review of the literature provides a background on the development of 21st century skills and competencies and explains the foundational concepts of geography. The research aimed to develop geographic knowledge and 21st century skills within high school students. It took place in a technology-centered, collaboratively-focussed, inquiry-based classroom. Action research methodology was used, incorporating qualitative and quantitative data collection with two student cohorts. Although the quantitative results did not display significant improvement to either class’ 21st century skills, individual student improvement was observed, particularly in those students who typically struggled with academic courses. It was concluded that engineering heterogenous teams of students for collaborative learning activities was the most significant factor in the improvement of students’ 21st century skills and their content knowledge of geography. Zach Vanthournout is a second career educator in New Brunswick, Canada. He became interested in developing 21st century skills and competencies in learners when his province developed a 21C learning intiative in 2007. That interest, along with a passion for geography, evolved into this, his first publication – a product of his Master’s research.

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