

Victory for the Soul: Relationships That Work, Emilio del Valle Escalante, 9780991492428


Victory for the Soul Relationships that Work The fire of Passion, the vigor of new relationship visions, the flame of romance, the motivation for success on many levels, … whatever your incentive, … this newly released book of 22 Chapters reveals clear Wisdom from Saint Germain about fully Being in your relationships aware, awake, aligned, and in the Love that allows them to work! The intent for this book is to enlighten and engage you in a genuine optimistic view of all the various relationships you encounter, … and yet this time, with new awareness training to control emotions that may otherwise find you on a slippery slope! This newly channeled work reveals some of the fiery and profound elements for change, allowing you to begin anew or continue relationships of any sort, be they intimate and romantic, Soul mate, acquaintance, personal friend, business, social, etc. As Saint Germain from Above, “I intend that your journey will lead you into your personal relationship nirvana, a place of joy and a new freedom for this lifetime and beyond. Such a beautiful gift is your birthright, if only you will choose to receive it, in full ownership of it’s grandness, My Dearest Friends”.

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