

Visual-Spatial Learners: Differentiation Strategies for Creating a Successful Classroom, Carol A. Kochhar-Bryant, 9781618216588


Are you looking for ways to differentiate your instruction to meet the needs of gifted visual-spatial learners? You’ve found it in Visual-Spatial Learners: Differentiation Strategies for Creating a Successful Classroom (2nd ed.). Visual-spatial learners are students who show advanced abilities with computers, maps, construction toys, and puzzles. The techniques outlined within these pages help all learners succeed – regardless of preferred learning style. Based on the most current understanding of the brain’s hemispheric functions, the author provides a number of strategies and lesson plan ideas to help make your classroom a successful learning environment for all learners. These strategies address preparing students to succeed on timed tests; easing the pain of handwriting; teaching spelling using imagery; incorporating mnemonics, rhyme, and other tricks that engage the right hemisphere of the brain; helping students stay focused and on track; getting–and keeping–students organized; and much more!

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