

Workpalce Hazards Risks & Control, Dr Gordon Cox, 9781475285543


As long as we live within environments laden with hazards, it is our responsibility to make the environment favourable by locking hazards away. Many people world over died as a result of the consequences of avoidable occupational and environmental hazards that constitute part of our workplaces. It is our responsibility therefore to provide guide for workers’ safety in our workplaces, make them have a change of attitude to ensure a safe work environment. One of the greatest assets to safe-living and safe machine operation is to follow safe work procedures in order to make our workplaces safe. This book x-rays the various workplaces and associated hazards as well as provides an insight to some measures of safety while operating within them. Remember, it is important to make rules about safety; however, it is more important to ensure safety by locking dangers away.

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