

Wpa: Writing Program Administration 33.3, Writing Program Administrators Council, 9781602351868


WPA: WRITING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION publishes articles and essays concerning the organization, administration, practices, and aims of college and university writing programs. Possible topics include the education and support of writing teachers; the intellectual and administrative work of WPAs; the situation of writing programs, within both academic institutions and broader contexts; the programmatic implications of current theories, technologies, and research; relationships between WPAs and other administrators, between writing and other academic programs, and among high school, two-year, and four-year college writing programs; placement; assessment; and the professional status of WPAs. The journal is published twice per year: fall/winter and spring. CONTENTS OF WPA 33.3: From the Editors | On Custom: Revisiting the Relationship between Publishers and WPAs by Barclay Barrios | First Steps Beyond First Year: Coaching Transfer After FYC by Dan Fraizer | You Are What You Sell: Branding the Way to Composition’s Better Future by Keith Rhodes | First-Year College Writing and the AP English Language Exam: How a High School/College Partnership Affected Exam Performance by James Warren | Hieroglyphic World: A Review of Five Background Readers for Novice Writing Teachers by Richard Haswell | The Scholarship of Plagiarism: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, What’s Needed Next by Rebecca Moore Howard and Missy Watson | WPAs Respond to “A Symposium on Diversity and the Intellectual Work of WPAs” | Who Are We? What Do We Want to Become? A Response to Jonathan Alexander by Jacqueline Rhodes | (Un)Standard Deviations: Observing Diversity / Enabling Divergence by Mark McBeth | Engaging with Assessment Technologies: Responding to Valuing Diversity as a WPA by Asao B. Inoue | The Woman Question in WPA Work by Melissa Nicolas | Announcements | Contributors to WPA 33.3

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