

Wpa: Writing Program Administration 36.1 (Fall/Winter 2012), Writing Program Administrators Council, 9781602353831


WPA: WRITING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION publishes articles and essays concerning the organization, administration, practices, and aims of college and university writing programs. Possible topics include writing faculty education, training, and professional development; writing program creation and design the development of rhetoric and writing curricula; writing assessment within programmatic contexts advocacy and institutional critique and change; writing programs and their extra-institutional relationships with writing’s publics; technology and the delivery of writing instruction within programmatic contexts; wpa and writing program histories and contexts; WAC / ECAC / WID and their intersections with writing programs; the theory and philosophy of writing program administration issues of professional advancement and WPA work; and projects that enhance WPA work with diverse stakeholders. CONTENTS OF WPA 36.1: From the Editors | “Recognizing Acts of Reading: Creating Reading Outcomes and Assessments for Writing” by Holly Middleton | “The Effects of Writing Pedagogy Education on Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Approaches to Teaching Composition” by E. Shelley Reid and Heidi Estrem, with Marcia Belcheir | “Thinking Ecologically: Rhetorical Ecological Feminist Agency and Writing Program Administration” by Kathleen J. Ryan | “The Problem of Graduate-Level Writing Support: Building a Cross-Campus Graduate Writing Initiative” by Steve Simpson | “The Companies We Keep or The Companies We Would Like to Try to Keep: Strategies and Tactics in Challenging Times” by Linda Adler-Kassner | “Let’s Face It: Language Issues and the Writing Program Administrator” by Paul Kei Matsuda | “Serving Those Who Have Served: Preparing for Student Veterans in our Writing Programs, Classes and Writing Centers” by Marilyn J. Valentino | “The Visual and Beyond: A Symposium on Rereading, Revising or Perhaps “Hacking the Source Code” of the CWPA Outcomes Statement” | “The Matters of Key Knowledge Domains and Transfer of Learning in the Outcomes Statement” by Anne Beaufort | “Genre Knowledge, Reading, and Faculty Development” by Barbara Little Liu | “Reading to Write and the Economy of Attention” by Deborah Mutnick | “Reading Matters: Thoughts on Revising the CWPA Outcomes Statement” by Cynthia R. Haller | “Engaging Queerness and Contact Zones, Reimagining Writing Difference” by Martha Marinara | “Queering Outcomes: Hacking the Source Code of the WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition” by William P. Banks | Reviews: “The WPA Outcomes Statement-Ten Years Later” reviewed by Shane Borrowman | “Making Our Brains” by Anne Ruggles Gere | “‘ Taking Care of’ Writing” by David Schwalm | Contributors

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