

Writing: The College of Ideas and Expressions Second Edition, Teresa Petty, 9781519560551

Author: Teresa Petty


Whole Education is what your parents tried to teach you. It is what real teachers tried to teach you: teaching to the student, not the test. This is the real type of education that you have been denied too long. “Rhetoric and scholarship by writing composition,” we say. This is our definition We learn by precision But not rote memorization We are the future Built by the tears and blood and cries of various ghosts from long past We are learning to be scholars to make a true foundation that will last Welcome to real education Welcome to whole self-actualization We are writing this in poem form, so you can realize your worth. We are not numbers: we are scholars. We are not even just a race a creed or a color: we are universal. We are jacks of all trades. This was and is the reason that The College of Ideas and Expressions was instituted. Teaching and Learning is a dual focused lifestyle. We live, we learn, and we instruct others. We do this all simultaneously. We have truly learned that before and we will relearn again. Some of us have just forgotten what we have learned.

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