

Young Readers and Their Books: Suggestions and Strategies for Using Texts in the Literacy Hour, Erica Brown, 9781853466816

Author: Erica Brown


This book offers teachers a useful and very readable text to help them select stories, poetry and non-fiction material for the primary classroom, with ideas on how to teach them. Appropriate selection criteria are discussed and suggestions are given about keeping up with the range of available texts. The author offers a comprehensive guide to the whole range of books appropriate for use in the Literacy Hour. The tried and tested practical approaches provided in the book reflect guidance on The National Curriculum Programmes of Study for English and The National Literacy Strategy. Gervase Phinn has rare gifts as a teacher, speaker, storyteller and writer, all of which skills come together in the authoring of this book. It will inform, stimulate and entertain all who engage in literacy teaching throughout the English-speaking world — even in places which have no knowledge of the Literacy Hour.

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