Showing 16 of 114 products
A Concise Introduction to Thermodynamics for Physicists
Gatti, Paolo Luciano$60.00Original price was: $60.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
A Concise Introduction to Thermodynamics for Physicists
Gatti, Paolo Luciano$108.00Original price was: $108.00.$13.00Current price is: $13.00. -
A Hand Book Of The Refraction Of The Eye: Its Anomalies And Their Correction
Watkins and Hill$121.00Original price was: $121.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
A history of the precious metals, from the earliest times to the present
Hubert Majendie Gepp$49.00Original price was: $49.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00. -
A Hundred Years Of Physics
Watkins and Hill$72.00Original price was: $72.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00. -
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers I: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory: v. 1
Carlo$111.00Original price was: $111.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
Advanced Mechanical Vibrations: Physics, Mathematics and Applications
Gatti, Paolo Luciano$43.00Original price was: $43.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00. -
An Elementary Text-book of Theoretical Mechanics
Watkins and Hill$55.00Original price was: $55.00.$11.00Current price is: $11.00. -
Applied Evolutionary Algorithms for Engineers Using Python
Gatti, Paolo Luciano$48.00Original price was: $48.00.$11.00Current price is: $11.00. -
Arsenic: Environmental Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Microbiology (Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry)
Hubert Majendie Gepp$34.00Original price was: $34.00.$7.00Current price is: $7.00. -
Boundary Conformal Field Theory and the Worldsheet Approach to D-Branes (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
Carlo$43.00Original price was: $43.00.$11.00Current price is: $11.00. -
Bridging Circuits and Fields: Foundational Questions in Power Theory
Gatti, Paolo Luciano$64.00Original price was: $64.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00. -
Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: An Integrated Approach
Hubert Majendie Gepp$31.00Original price was: $31.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
Circular of the Bureau of Standards No. 495: Heat Treatment and Properties of Iron and Steel; NBS Circular 495
Watkins and Hill$64.00Original price was: $64.00.$18.00Current price is: $18.00. -
Climate Change in the Arctic: An Indian Perspective (Maritime Climate Change)
Hubert Majendie Gepp$29.00Original price was: $29.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
Cloud Security: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives (Cyber Ecosystem and Security)
Gatti, Paolo Luciano$83.00Original price was: $83.00.$12.00Current price is: $12.00.
Showing 16 of 114 products