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“Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning Discharges” (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
L. L Chang$76.00Original price was: $76.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00. -
Automatisation Et Optimisation D Une Chane de Production (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
L. L Chang$98.00Original price was: $98.00.$18.00Current price is: $18.00. -
Automatisation Et Supervision de Locomotive E1250 Avec LabVIEW (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
L. L Chang$91.00Original price was: $91.00.$7.00Current price is: $7.00. -
Circuit Magnetique a Haut Rendement En Acier a Grains Orientes = Circuit Magna(c)Tique a Haut Rendement En Acier a Grains Orienta(c)S
L. L Chang$33.00Original price was: $33.00.$8.00Current price is: $8.00. -
Conception Et Realisation D’Un Simulateur de Disjoncteur Hta = Conception Et Ra(c)Alisation D’Un Simulateur de Disjoncteur Hta
L. L Chang$59.00Original price was: $59.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00. -
Electromagnetic Processing of Materials: Materials Processing by Using Electric and Magnetic Functions (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications)
L. L Chang$62.00Original price was: $62.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00. -
Estudo do Nvel de Cross-Talk em Acopladores Direcionais
L. L Chang$107.00Original price was: $107.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00. -
Fundamental Principles for the Illumination of a Picture Gallery: Together with Their Application to the Illumination of the Municipal Museum at the Hague
L. L Chang$25.00Original price was: $25.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
Ihminen ja steily: Tietoa ionisoimattomasta steilyst ja sen terveyshaitoista
L. L Chang$68.00Original price was: $68.00.$7.00Current price is: $7.00. -
Meilleur Consommation D’Electricite a Domicile Et En Industrie = Meilleur Consommation D’A(c)Lectricita(c) a Domicile Et En Industrie
L. L Chang$87.00Original price was: $87.00.$12.00Current price is: $12.00. -
Mesure Vectorielle de Champ lectrique DC-THZ par Voie Optique
L. L Chang$40.00Original price was: $40.00.$14.00Current price is: $14.00. -
Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere: Boundary Heat and Dynamic Interaction
L. L Chang$84.00Original price was: $84.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Heterostructures (Nato Science Series E:)
L. L Chang$30.00Original price was: $30.00.$12.00Current price is: $12.00. -
Nonlinear Optics and Laser Emission through Random Media (Springer Theses)
L. L Chang$101.00Original price was: $101.00.$9.00Current price is: $9.00. -
Semiconductor Technologies in the Era of Electronics (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)
L. L Chang$116.00Original price was: $116.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
Semiconductor Technologies in the Era of Electronics (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)
L. L Chang$104.00Original price was: $104.00.$13.00Current price is: $13.00.
Showing 16 of 23 products