The 3rd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2015) was held from 19-23 October 2015. This congress focused on the latest developments of sustainable energy technologies, materials for sustainable energy applications and environmental and economic perspectives of energy. These proceedings included 40 peer-reviewed technical papers, submitted by leading academic and research institutions from over 23 countries and represented some of the most cutting-edge researches available. The sections included in the 40 papers are listed as follows: Solar Energy, Fuel cells, Hydrogen productions, Hydrogen storage, Energy storage, Energy saving, Biofuels and Bioenergy, Wind Energy, Nuclear Energy, Fossil Energy, Hydropower, Carbon capture and storage, Materials for renewable energy storage and conversion, Photovoltaics and solar cells, Fuel generation from renewables (catalysis), Carbon dioxide sequestration and conversion, Materials for energy saving, Thermoelectrics, Energy saving in buildings, Bio-Assessment and Toxicology, Air pollution from mobile and stationery sources, Transport of Air Pollutants, Environment-Friendly Construction and Development, Energy Management Systems. Urban DC Microgrids for Advanced Local Energy Management with Smart Grid Communication.- Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Applied to a Turbine Stage with in-situ Combustion.- Strategies of Maximizing the Benefits of Storage and Diesel Generator for Standalone Microgrid.- Optimal Control of the DC Motors with Feedforward Compensation of the Load Torque.- Photovoltaic Power Conversion System as a Reserve Power Source to a Modern Elevator.- Urban Cycle Simulator for Electric Vehicles Applications.- Impacts of Network Structure on the Optimum Design of Hybrid Standalone Microgrid.- Energy Yield Potential Estimation using Marine Current Turbine Simulations for the Bosphorus.- Co-pyrolysis of Lignite – Oil Shale Mixtures.


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3rd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2015): Proceedings, Oludeniz, Turkey, 19-23 October 2015: 2017 (Springer Proceedings in Energy)
Original price was: $111.00.Current price is: $9.00.

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