The current book consists of twenty-four chapters divided into three sections. Section I includes fourteen chapters in electric and magnetic ceramics which deal with modern specific research on dielectrics and their applications, on nanodielectrics, on piezoceramics, on glass ceramics with para-, anti- or ferro-electric active phases, of varistors ceramics and magnetic ceramics. Section II includes seven chapters in bioceramics which include review information and research results/data on biocompatibility, on medical applications of alumina, zirconia, silicon nitride, ZrO2, bioglass, apatite-wollastonite glass ceramic and b-tri-calcium phosphate. Section III includes three chapters in applications of ceramics in environmental improvement and protection, in water cleaning, in metal bearing wastes stabilization and in utilization of wastes from ceramic industry in concrete and concrete products.


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Advances in Ceramics: Electric and Magnetic Ceramics, Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment
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