This volume contains the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, held at Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, in July 2016. The conference brought together both experts and novices in the theory and applications of difference equations and discrete dynamical systems. The volume features papers in difference equations and discrete dynamical systems with applications to mathematical sciences and, in particular, mathematical biology and economics. This book will appeal to researchers, scientists, and educators who work in the fields of difference equations, discrete dynamical systems, and their applications. Part I  Papers by Plenary Speakers, Ryusuke Kon, Stable Bifurcations in Multi-Species Semelparous Population Models.- Christian Ptzsche, Dichotomy Spectra of Nonautonomous Linear Integrodifference Equations.- Sebastian J. Schreiber, A Dynamical Trichotomy for Structured Populations Experiencing Positive Density-Dependence in Stochastic Environments.- Petr Stehlk, Replicator Equations as Limits of Evolutionary Games on Complete Graphs.- Part II  Contributed Papers, Istvn Gyori and Lszl Horvth, Connection between Continuous and Discrete Delay and Halanay Type Inequalities.- Nobuyuki Higashimori, Hiroshi Fujiwara, and Yuusuke Iso, Convergence of Finite Difference Schemes Applied to the Cauchy Problems of Quasi-Linear Partial Differential Equations of the Normal Form.- Takashi Honda and Yukiko Iwata, Operator Theoretic Phenomena of the Markov Operators Which Are Induced by Stochastic Difference Equations.- Toshiyuki Kohno, On the Behavior of the Error in Numerical Iterative Method for PDE.- Jana Krejcov, Property B of the Four-Dimensional Neutral Difference System.- Mohammed-Tahar Laraba, Sorin Olaru and Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, On the Structure of Polyhedral Positive Invariant Sets with Respect to Delay Difference Equations.- Masakazu Onitsuka, On the Exponential Stability of Two-Dimensional Nonautonomous Difference Systems Which Have a Weighted Homogeneity of the Solution.- Mihly Pituk, A Corollary of a Theorem on Positive Solutions of Poincar Difference Equations.- Youssef N. Raffoul, The Case for Large Contraction in Functional Difference Equations.- Mansoor Saburov and Khikmat Saburov, Reaching Consensus via Polynomial Stochastic Operators: A General Study.- Kaori Saito, On the Stability of an SIR Epidemic Discrete Model.- Jitsuro Sugie and Masahiko Tanaka, Nonoscillation of Second-Order Linear Equations Involving a Generalized Difference Operator.- Aiko Tanaka and Jun-ichi Itaya, An Evolutionary Game Model of Families’ Voluntary Provision of Public Goods.- Wirot Tikjha and Evelina Lapierre, On the Periodic Behavior of a System of Piecewise Linear Difference Equations.


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Advances in Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: ICDEA, Osaka, Japan, July 2016 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics)
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