This volume contains a solid body of the current state of knowledge on the various themes and activities in agroforestry worldwide. It is organized into three sections: the Introduction section consists of the summaries of six keynote speeches at the 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2009; that is followed by two sections of peer-reviewed thematic chapters grouped as “Global Perspectives” (seven chapters) and “Regional Perspectives” (eleven chapters), authored by professional leaders in their respective agroforestry-related fields worldwide. A total of 130 professionals from institutions in 33 countries in both developing and the industrialized temperate regions of the world contributed to the book as chapter authors and/or reviewers. Thus, the book presents a comprehensive and authoritative account of the global picture of agroforestry today. Preface, List of Authors, List of Reviewers Section I. INTRODUCTION Keynote Presentations at WCA2 1. Agroforestry, climate change, and habitat protection; Wangari Maathai 2. Agroforestry for an ever-green revolution; M. S. Swaminathan 3. Environmental resilience and agroforestry; Richard Leakey 4. Climate change and agroforestry; R. K. Pachaur 5. Agroforestry and the transition to the future; Achim Steiner 6. Agroforestry and the future of global land use; Dennis Garrity Section II. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES Based on WCA2 Symposia 7. Climate-change mitigation: A low-hanging fruit of agroforestry; P. K. R. Nair 8. Segregate or integrate for multifunctionality: landscape agroforestry involving rubber in Indonesia and China; M. van Noordwijk, H. L. Tata, J. Xu, S. Dewi, and P. Minang 9. Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation through agroforestry and ecosystem conservation; J. Matocha, T. Hills, D. Hole, and G. Schroth 10. High-carbon-stock rural development pathways in Asia and Africa: Improved land management for climate change mitigation; P. A. Minang, M. Van Noordwijk, and B. Swallow 11. Tree domestication in agroforestry: Progress in the second decade (2003-2012); R. B. Leakey, J. C. Weber, T. Page, J. P. Cornelius, F. K. Akinnifesi, J. M. Roshetko, Z. Tchoundjeu, and R. Jamnadass 12. Policy support for large-scale adoption of agroforestry practices: Experience from Africa and Asia; O. C. Ajayi and F. Place 13. Multifunctional Agriculture and opportunities for agroforestry – Implications of IAASTD; R. B. Leakey Section III. REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES 14. The future of temperate agroforestry in the United States; S. Jose, M. A. Gold, and H. E. Garrett 15. Agroforestry research and development in Canada; N. V. Thevathasan, A. M. Gordon, R. Bradley, A. Cogliastro, P. Folkard, R. Grant, J. Kort, L. Liggins, F. Njenga, A. Olivier, C. Pharo, G. Powell, D. Rivest, T. Schiks, D. Trotter, K. Van Rees, J. Whalen, and L. Zabek 16. Past, present, and future of agroforestry in Europe; M. R. Mosquera-Losada, G. Moreno, A. Pardini, J. H. McAdam, V. Papanastasis, P. J. Burgess, N. Lamersdorf, M. Castro, F. Liagre, and A. Rigueiro-Rodrguez 17. Agroforestry for mine-land reclamation in Germany: Capitalizing on carbon sequestration and bioenergy production; A. Quinkenstein, D. Freese, C. Bhm, P. Tsonkova, and R. F. Httl18. The Satoyama landscape of Japan: The future of an indigenous agricultural system in an industrialized society; K. Ichikawa and G. G. Toth 19. South Asian agroforestry: traditions, transformations, and prospects; B. M. Kumar, A. K. Singh, and S. K. Dhyani 20. Agroforestry in the Amazon region: A pathway for balancing conservation and development; R. Porro, R. P. Miller, M. R. Tito, J. Donovan, J. L. Vivan 21. Mainstreaming agroforestry in Latin America; E. Somarriba, J. Beer, J. A. Orihuela, H. Andrade, R. Cerda, F. DeClerck, G. Detlefsen, M. Escalante, L. A. Giraldo, M. Ibrahim, L Krishnamurthy, V. E. Mena, J. R. Mora, L. Orozco, M. Scheelje, and J. J. Campos 22. Land health surveillance: Mapping soil carbon in Kenyan rangelands; T.-G. Vgen, F. A. Davey, and K. D. Shepherd 23. Gender and agroforestry in Africa: Who benefits? – An African perspective; E. Kiptot and S. Franzel 24. Incentive mechanisms for smallholder agroforestry: Opportunities and challenges in the Philippines; D. Catacutan, R. D. Lasko, and C. D. Pion 25. Agroforestry – The Way Forward; P.K. Nair and D. Garrity Subject Index


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Agroforestry – The Future of Global Land Use (Advances in Agroforestry)
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