This volume contains the proceedings of the First Ukrainian-French Romanian School “Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics”, held in Kaciveli, Crimea (Ukraine) from 1 September ti1114 September 1993. The School was organized by the generous support of the Ministry of Research and Space of France (MRE), the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ANU), the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the State Committee for Science and Technologies of Ukraine (GKNT). Members of the International Scientific Committee were: J.-M. Bony (paris), A. Boutet de Monvel-Berthier (Paris, co-chairman), P. Cartier (paris), V. Drinfeld (Kharkov), V. Georgescu (Paris), J.L. Lebowitz (Rutgers), V. Marchenko (Kharkov, co-chairman), V.P. Maslov (Moscow), H. Mc-Kean (New-York), Yu. Mitropolsky (Kiev), G. Nenciu (Bucharest, co-chairman), S. Novikov (Moscow), G. Papanicolau (New-York), L. Pastur (Kharkov), J.-J. Sansuc (Paris). The School consisted of plenary lectures (morning sessions) and special sessions. The plenary lectures were intended to be accessible to all participants and plenary speakers were invited by the scientific organizing committee to give reviews of their own field of interest. The special sessions were devoted to a variety of more concrete and technical questions in the respective fields. According to the program the plenary lectures included in the volume are grouped in three chapters. The fourth chapter contains short communications.


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Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the Kaciveli Summer School, Crimea, Ukraine, 1993 (Mathematical Physics Studies)
Original price was: $106.00.Current price is: $15.00.

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