‘Are Angels OK?’ asked Bill the poet. ‘Angels are just fine,’ said Paul the physicist. And thus began an extraordinary blind date between New Zealand writers and physicists. In this remarkable book, ten leading New Zealand writers (with some help from leading New Zealand scientists) wing their way through: the sandpile phenomenon, the curvature of space time, wave particle duality, the untimely death of Schrodinger’s cat, Elsewhen, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, dark energy, entropy, the arrow of time, quarks, anti-matter, The Death of the Sun and The End of the Universe.. With contributions by Catherine Chidgey, Glenn Colquhoun, Dylan Horrocks, Witi Ihimaera, Lloyd Jones, Elizabeth Knox, Margaret Mahy, Vincent O’Sullivan, Chris Price, Jo Randerson. This is a provocative and fascinating reader for science and non-science buffs alike. Since Einstein’s time the world of physics has become a strange, fantastic and sometimes disturbing place – potentially a rich domain for philosophers and artists – the results of these science/literary and artistic collaboration prove this point.


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Are Angels OK: The Parallel Universes of New Zealand Writers and Scientists
Original price was: $61.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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