Preceded by: Environmental health procedures / W.H. Bassett. 7th ed. 2007. CONTENTS Preface Extract from the preface to the first edition Acknowledgements Part 1: Current Environmental Health legal structure, process and policies How the book is structured Chapter 1 Enforcement and Compliance Framework The Framework for Local Authority Enforcement, Operational and Health Improvement Policies Options for Obtaining Compliance and Environmental Health Interventions Primary Authorities Chapter 2 Common Provisions in Legislation Enforcing authorities Authorisation Delegation Powers of Entry Service of Notices Information Regarding Ownerships Etc. Recording Decisions Chapter 3 Professional Practice Chapter 4 Legal Proceedings Preparing a case Court procedure Appendices Part 2: Environmental Protection Chapter 1 Air Quality Height of chimneys serving furnaces Height of chimneys not serving furnaces Control of grit and dust from furnaces Measurement of grit and dust from furnaces Prohibition of dark smoke etc. from chimneys Prohibition of dark smoke etc. from industrial and trade premises Smoke control areas Burning of crop residues Cable burning Obtaining information about atmospheric pollution Local authority reviews of air quality Air Quality Management Areas Chapter 2 Environmental Damage and Contaminated Land Environmental damage Contaminated Land Chapter 3 Pollution Prevention Environmental permitting Permitting of activities by Local Authorities Chapter 4 Noise Noise nuisances, Noisy parties and Noise in the Street Consents for the use of loudspeakers in streets Noise from construction sites Noise from certain premises at night Seizure of equipment used to make noise unlawfully Audible alarms notification areas Part 3: Food Safety and Food Standards Food control and hygiene legislation Registration of food business establishments Approval of product-specific establishments Registration and Approval of Animal By Products Plants Hygiene improvement notices Hygiene prohibition orders Hygiene emergency prohibition notices and orders Remedial action notices and detention notices Detention and seizure of food Imported food Sampling of food for analysis and examination Closure notices on mollusc harvesting areas Food Standards Part 4: Health and Safety General procedural provisions Improvement and prohibition notices Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences Notification of cooling towers and evaporative condensers Seizure of dangerous articles or substances Part 5: Housing and Health Chapter 1 Structure of the law dealing with housing standards and their enforcement General procedural provisions Housing standards: the housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) Housing standards for accommodation of the homeless Fitness for Human Habitation Energy Efficiency Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarms Chapter 2 Enforcement options Enforcement General approach to enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices Improvement Renewal Areas Improvement notices Prohibition orders Hazard awareness notices Notice of emergency remedial action Emergency prohibition orders Means of escape from certain high buildings Defective premises Overcrowding notices for non-HMOs Restoration or Continuation of Supply of Water, Gas or Electricity Disabled Facilities Grants Empty properties Dangerous buildings Protection of buildings Empty dwelling management orders Demolition Ruinous and dilapidated buildings Demolition orders Demolition of buildings Clearance areas Compulsory purchase Chapter 3 Housing licensing Selective licensing of residential accommodation Private landlords accreditation schemes Chapter 4 Houses in multiple occupation Houses in multiple occupation – Definitions Houses in multiple occupation declarations Licensing of houses in multiple occupation Designation of areas by local authorities for the additional licensing of HMOs Interim management orders Final management orders Temporary exemption notices for HMOs Overcrowding notices for HMOs Chapter 5 Rogue Landlords Rogue Landlords Banning Orders Rogue Landlords Database Rent repayment orders Protection from Eviction Preventing Retaliatory Eviction Chapter 6 Temporary accommodation Mobile Homes and Caravan sites Licensing of camping sites Part 6: Anti Social Behaviour Anti-Social Behaviour: Landlords’ Policies and Possession Procedures Closure of Premises Associated with Nuisance or Disorder Etc Community Protection Notices Public Spaces Protection Orders Part 7: Public Health Chapter 1 Animal welfare Animal Welfare Animal boarding establishments Dangerous wild animals Pet shops Riding establishments Chapter 2 Disease control Infectious diseases control: Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 Notification of diseases Local authority powers to prevent spread of infection Power to order health measures in relation to persons, things and premises Disinfection or decontamination of things and premises Cleansing of filthy or verminous premises, articles and persons Skin piercing and other special treatments Chapter 3Dog and horse control Control of horses Seizure of stray dogs Chapter 4 Exhumations Exhumations Chapter 5 Hoarding Chapter 6 Removal of unauthorised campers Chapter 7 Pest control Control of rats and mice Chpater 8 Port health Infectious diseases control aircraft Infectious diseases control trains Infectious diseases control ships Chapter 9 Public Health Funerals Chapter 10 Sanitation and drainage General procedural provisions: Public Health Act 1936 and 1961 General procedural provisions: Building Act 1984 Defective sanitary conveniences Sanitary conveniences: provision/replacement Sanitary conveniences at places of entertainment etc. Conversion of earth closets etc. to water closets Blocked private sewers Stopped-up drains, private sewers, etc. Defective drainage to existing buildings Repair of drains, private sewers, etc. by local authorities Paving of yards and passages Overflowing and leaking cesspools Chapter 11 Statutory nuisances Statutory nuisances Chapter 12 Waste Waste on land Litter Litter offences Littering From Vehicles Litter abatement orders Accumulations of rubbish Removal and disposal of abandoned refuse Removal of controlled waste on land Removal of noxious matter Abandoned trolleys Abandoned vehicles Receptacles for commercial and industrial waste Receptacles for household waste Scrap metal dealers Chapter 13 Water supply General procedural provisions: Water Industry Act 1991 Control over public water supplies Control over private water supplies Water supply for new houses Closure or restriction of polluted water supply Part 8: Public Safety Controls over trading on Sundays at large shops Street trading Street collections Sex establishment licences Pleasure boat licensing INDEXES List of flow charts Subject index of procedures


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