For pnenomena involving bubble nucleation, the molecular cluster model is used to predict the tensile strength and superheat limit of liquids and the amount of decompression for gaseous bubble nucleation in supersaturated solutions. The book investigates various gaseous bubble nucleation events including the bubble formation in gas-water solutions, CO bubble formation in iron melts, the formation of microcellular foams in polymers, the nucleation of nano-sized H2O bubbles in rhyolite melts, and bubble nucleation in shear flow fields. The book also investigates vaporous bubble nucleation events such as bubble formation on a cavity-free surface and inside a solid nanopore in 3M NaCl solution, superheat limit of liquids, and bubble nucleation near the absolute zero temperature by quantum tunneling in liquid helium. For bubble dynamics phenomena, a set of homologous solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for evolving spherical bubbles are used to treat gaseous bubble growth in organic solutions, polymer solutions, and in viscous rhyolitic melts. The growth and collapse of laser-induced vapor bubbles in liquid, and on solid particles is discussed as an example of homologous motion of the spherical object. Sonoluminescence phenomena in water and in sulfuric acid solutions, the pressure and shock wave propagation in bubbly mixtures, the gravitational collapse of Newtonian stars, and the core collapse of supernovas are also treated using these homologous solutions. The motion of a fire-ball generated by a TNT explosion underwater is obtained using a zero gravitational constant in the equation of motion for Newtonian stars.


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Bubble Nucleation and Dynamics
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