Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits: Techniques for Low Emission and Susceptibility focuses on the electromagnetic compatibility of integrated circuits. The basic concepts, theory, and an extensive historical review of integrated circuit emission and susceptibility are provided. Standardized measurement methods are detailed through various case studies. EMC models for the core, I/Os, supply network, and packaging are described with applications to conducted switching noise, signal integrity, near-field and radiated noise. Case studies from different companies and research laboratories are presented with in-depth descriptions of the ICs, test set-ups, and comparisons between measurements and simulations. Specific guidelines for achieving low emission and susceptibility derived from the experience of EMC experts are presented. Basic Concepts in EMC for ICs.- Historical Review and State-of-the art.- Fundamentals and Theory.- Measurement Methods.- EMC Modeling.- Case Studies.- Guidelines.


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Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits: Techniques for low emission and susceptibility
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