Electron Transport in Nanosystems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
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Electron Transport in Nanosystems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics), Janez Bonca, 9781402091452
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These proceedings of the NATO-ARW “Electron transport in nanosystems” held at the “Russia” Hotel, Yalta, Ukraine from 17-21 September 2007 resulted in many discussions between various speakers. The wide range of topics discussed at the Yalta NATO meeting included the new nanodevice applications, novel materials, superconductivity and s- sors. There have been many signi?cant advances in the past 2 years and some entirely new directions of research in these ?elds are just opening up. Recent advances in nanoscience have demonstrated that fundamentally new phy- cal phenomena are found when systems are reduced in size with dimensions, comparable to the fundamental microscopic length scales of the investigated material. Late developments in nanotechnology and measurement techniques now allow experimental investigation of transport properties of nanodevices. Great interest in this research is focused on development of spintronics, molecular electronics and quantum information processing and graphene. At the workshop, important open problems concerning cuprate superconductity, mesoscopic superconductors and novel superconductors such MgB,CeCoIn 2 5 whereconsidered.Therewasmuchdiscussionofthemechanismandsymmetry of pairing for cuprate superconductorsas well as the nature of the pseudogap. In the sessiononnovelsuperconductors,the physicalproperties of MgB were 2 discussed. There were also lively debates about two-gap superconductivity in MgB . Preface.1. Electron transport in nanodevices. Optical properties and electronic structure of organic-inorganic nano-interface; A.Fuijwara et al.- Electron transport in nanowires- an engineer’s view; W.Nawrocki.- Nanoporous anodic alumina wire templates for nanowire devices; T. L Wade et al.- Friedel oscillations in nanowires at finite bias voltage; A. Gorczyca, et al.-Spin orbit interaction induced spin-separation in platinum nanostructures; Koong Chee Weng et al.-The problem of true macroscopic charge quantization in the coulomb blockade; I.S.Burmistrov, A.M.M. Pruisken.- 2. Superconductivity. 11.1. New superconductors. High-field flux dynamics in disordered two.band superconductivity;J. M. Knight et al.-Superconductivity in the quantum-size regime; A. A. Shanenk et al.- Kondo effect coupled to superconductivity in ultrasmall grains; H. Nagao , S. P. Kruchinin.- Emerging measurement techniques for studies of mesoscopic superconductors;A.Rydh et al.- Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in CeCoIn; R. Movshovich et al.-I I . 2. Cuprate superconductors. Bipolaronic proximity and other unconventional effects in cuprate superconductors; A. S. Alexandrov.- Interlayer tunneling in stacked junctions of high temperature superconductors, CDW materials and graphite; Yu.I. Latyshev.-Multiband description of the electron-doped cuprate gaps on the doping scale; N.Kristoffel , P.Rubin.- Antiadiabatic state – ground state of superconducttors : study of YBCO; P. Banack.- Elements of modern high-temperature superconductivity; J. D. Dow, R. Harshman.-3. Spintronics.Nonequilibrium density of states and destribution functions for strongly correlated materials and cross the Mott transition; K.Freeriks, V. Joura.-Non-equilibrium physics in solids: hot-electron relaxation; K.H.Bennemann.- Functional renormalization group approach to non-equilibrium properties of mesoscopic systems; T.Pruschke et al.- Microscopic proximity effect parameters in S/N and S/F heterostructures;S.Prishepa et al.- Conductance oscillations with magnetic field of a two-dimensional electron gas-superconductor junction; M.Chtche!katchev , I S.,Burmistrov.- Universalities in scattering on mesoscopic obstacles in two-dimensional electron gases; V. Yudson , D. Maslov.- Geometric phases in open multi-level systems electron gases; S. Syzranov, Yu. Makhlin.-Magnetic and transport properties of nanocrystaline titanium carbide in carbon matrix; N.Guskos et al.- 4. Sensors. Biochemical sensors in the security sector; B. Snopok.-Electronic nanosendors besed nanotransistor with bistability behaviour; V. Ermakov et al.- A bio-inspired electromechanical system: Artificial hair cel; Kang-Hun Ahn.-Si circuits, optical fibers, and AlInGaP and InGaN light-emitters; J.D.Dow.- Sensing effects in the nanostructured systems;V.G. Litovchenko, V.S. Solntsev.-Band structure and electronic transport properties in H..VI nano-semiconductors. Application to infrared detectorws superlattices and alloys; A.El. Abidi et al.- Subject Index. Author Index.
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