The book serves as a primary textbook of partial differential equations (PDEs), with due attention to their importance to various physical and engineering phenomena. The book focuses on maintaining a balance between the mathematical expressions used and the significance they hold in the context of some physical problem. The book has wider outreach as it covers topics relevant to many different applications of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), PDEs, Fourier series, integral transforms, and applications. It also discusses applications of analytical and geometric methods to solve some fundamental PDE models of physical phenomena such as transport of mass, momentum, and energy. As far as possible, historical notes are added for most important developments in science and engineering. Both the presentation and treatment of topics are fashioned to meet the expectations of interested readers working in any branch of science and technology. Senior undergraduates in mathematics and engineering are the targeted student readership, and the topical focus with applications to real-world examples will promote higher-level mathematical understanding for undergraduates in sciences and engineering. Classical Vector Analysis.- Ordinary Differential Equations.- Partial Differential Equation Models.- Partial Differential Equations.- General Solution and Complete Integral.- Method of Characteristics.- Separation of Variables.- Method of Eigenfunctions Expansion.- Fourier Transforms.- Laplace Transform.


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Fundamentals of Partial Differential Equations
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