We see it on the news, in the newspaper, at school with our children, in the business we deal with. The environmental crisis we are in now is something everyone needs to acknowledge and consider in their decision and how they choose to live their lives. Ultimately, each of us must assess our footprint, how we live, and gradually make changes to our way of living as it is not sustainable in it’s form today. This book is intended to spark your interest and help you get started on your journey, even if you start with small steps. You may try some of the tips found here and find they’re perfect for you, or you may stop using them. No one is perfect, and any progress–even a small change–is still progress. Some tips may apply better in some situations than others, or be more applicable to some people than others. The worst thing that can happen is that things stay unchanged, which isn’t a high price to pay for trying.



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