In old and new homes alike, there are opportunities galore to save energy, reduce waste, and live more sustainably. As Greening Your Home shows, all it takes to make a difference to your living environment is a first step. This book discusses how to reduce your carbon footprint; what maintenance and design issues you should consider in order to build and live more effectively; green materials and appliances to save energy and money; and how to decide whether to eco-renovate on your own or with a contractor s expertise. Authors Thomas Teuwen and Laura L. Parker have much experience in creating an environmentally friendly life at home, and have written this book to provide you with practical, affordable, and insightful advice, room by room, that will help you convert your home into a more efficient place in which to live and enjoy. Whether your eco-renovations are small or substantive, Teuwen and Parker take you through the process to obtain the outcome you want: an eco-friendly home that will make your friends and family green with envy.”


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Greening Your Home: Successful Eco-Renovation Strategies (Self-Counsel Green)
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