It’s bad enough to think about the effects of a nuclear event on ourselves, but when we consider the probable effects on our beloved pets, we get really concerned. How can we protect the companion animals that depend on us, those four-legged members of our family?And what about those of us who have backyard poultry flocks, or those who run a homestead farm with milk cows, goats, or other livestock? Animals suffer the effects of radiation much as humans do. How can we prevent them from suffering the full effects of nuclear fallout or a radiation plume from a nuclear plant accident? What can we do to keep our livestock from consuming contaminated food and water?Dr. Charles S. Brocato wrote this fourth book in his Radiation Series to answer these questions. He lays out the steps you can take to protect your pets and your livestock from the damaging effects of a nuclear incident that sends radioactive fallout to your property. He also discusses the effects of radioactive fallout on your home garden and answers your questions about whether or not it is safe to eat your homegrown fruits, vegetables or eggs after an incident. This book shows how a few simple actions taken now can help you and your pets avoid anxiety and suffering if the worst ever happens.


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How to Protect Your Pets, Livestock and Home Garden in a Nuclear Event
Original price was: $101.00.Current price is: $13.00.

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