Two phenomena in conjunctionone natural and the other socialpose the greatest impending threat to life on earth: one, fresh water supplies are limited, and two, the population is zooming. Today the first impact of this mismatch is being felt. Tomorrow, it could lead to worldwide malnutrition, poverty, rising food insecurity and water wars. This book attempts to present this impending crisis facing the world in all its facets and the threat it represents to human life. It brings together the causes of the problem, the likely scenarios over the mid term if remedial action is not taken and the viability or otherwise of various proposed solutions. Impending Global Water Crisis is a summary in layman language of the serious potential of the water crisis and how each and every one of us can do his bit to limit the potential damage. It is meant to spread awareness of this peril that faces mankind, a peril that has already started affecting nature and national politics.


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Impending Global Water Crisis
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