The Lecture series on Intermediate Structure in Nuclear Reactions was held in June 1966 at the University of Kentucky. Four lecturers had been invited to present series of three lectures each. Four lecturers had been invited to present series of three lectures each. Unfortunately, Dr. James E. Young was unable to attend the series. He did, however, submit a manuscript and we are fortunate to be able to have his approach represented in this volume. The three lecturers who did attend, Drs. R. H. Lemmer, L. Rodberg, and A. Lande, gave one lecture on each of the three days. The sessions were distributed through the day to allow ample time for discussion. The fact that the conference was small helped to stimulate exchanges between both lecturers and auditors. Some of the discussion sessions were nearly as long as the lectures which they followed.


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Intermediate Structure in Nuclear Reactions
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