Upper mantle xenoliths from three locales associated with the southern Rio Grande Rift have been investigated to determine lithosphere composition, chemical processes, and pre-eruptive pressure and temperature conditions. The sample locations, Potrillo and Elephant Butte, which are within the rift axis, and Adam’s Diggings located 100 km west of the rift axis, were specifically selected to evaluate spatial differences in mantle evolution. Recent: Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 2005-2007: Project manager, Korea National Oil Corporation, 2003-2005: Postdoc., Korea Basic Science Institute. Ph.D, 2002, Colorado School of Mines. MS., 1995, Kangwon National University. BS, 1993, Kangwon National University.


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Mantle Evolution Associated with the Rio Grande Rift
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