A global zero residual least squares method.- Efficient primal algorithms for strictly convex quadratic programs.- Location of multiple equilibrium configurations near limit points by a double dogleg strategy and tunnelling.- Considerations of numerical analysis in a sequential quadratic programming method.- Remarks on a continuous finite element scheme for hyperbolic equations.- An efficient modular algorithm for coupled nonlinear systems.- Optimization of multistage processes described by differential-algebraic equations.- Polynomial iteration for nonsymmetric indefinite linear systems.- Viewing the conjugate gradient method as a trust region algorithm.- An efficient strategy for utilizing a merit function in nonlinear programming algorithms.- Rates of convergence for secant methods on nonlinear problems in hilbert space.- The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring.- Some superconvergence results for mixed finite element methods for linear parabolic problems.- Nodal methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations.- Singular perturbation problems in semiconductor devices.- Stability of capillary waves on deep water.- A block 5(4) explicit runge-kutta formula with “free” interpolation.- Sequential step control for integration of two-point boundary value problems.


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Numerical Analysis: Proceedings of the Fourth Iimas Workshop Held at Guanajuato, Mexico, July 1984 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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