This volume contains the third and fourth Poincar Seminar, both held in 2003. The third one is devoted to Bose-Einstein Condensation: it covers the physics of superfluid liquid helium as well as the recently discovered atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Major experimental results are presented, together with relevant theoretical approaches and remaining open questions. The fourth one is devoted to Entropy, giving a comprehensive account of the history and various realizations of this concept, from thermodynamics to black holes, and includes theoretical and experimental discussions of the corresponding fluctuations for mesoscopic systems near equilibrium. I: Bose-Einstein Condensation.- Claude COHEN-TANNOUDJI Bose-Einstein Condensation: An Introduction.- Sbastien BALIBAR Looking Back at Superfluid Helium 17.- Gora V. SHLYAPNIKOV Condensed Matter Approaches to Quantum Gases.- Jean DALIBARD and Christophe SALOMON Experiments with Cold Atoms.- Philippe NOZIRES Bose-Einstein Condensation and Quantum Coherence:From Superfluidity to Localization,from Fermi Liquids to Superconductors.- II: Entropy.- Olivier DARRIGOL The Origins of the Entropy Concept.- Roger BALIAN Entropy, a Protean Concept.- Christian MAES On the Origin and Use of Fluctuation Relationsfor the Entropy.- Flix RITORT Work Fluctuations, Transient Violations of the Second Law and Free-Energy Recovery Methods: Perspectives in Theory and Experiments.- Thibault DAMOUR The Entropy of Black Holes: A Primer.


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Poincare Seminar 2003: Bose-Einstein Condensation, Entropy: 2003 (Poincare Seminare)
Original price was: $112.00.Current price is: $10.00.

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