1. Introduction 2. Phonons 2.1. Classical description of lattice vibration 2.2. Harmonic oscillator (creation and annihilation operators, coherent states, squeezed states) 2.3. Quantum description of phonons 3. Coherent phonons 3.1. Generation mechanism of coherent phonons (Theory) 3.2. Detection mechanism (Theory) (optical detection, diffraction detection) 3.3. Experimental Examples (semimetals, semiconductors, super conductors, Topological insulators and other new functional materials) 4. Phonon squeezing 4.1. Squeezed state of phonons 4.2. Two-phonon squeezing 5. Coherent control of phonons 5.1. Introduction to coherent control 5.2. Theory of coherent control of phonons 5.3. Single-mode control 5.4. Multi-model control 6. Phonon quantum technology 6.1. Phonon quantum memory 6.2. Entanglement of phonons 7. Optomechanics 8. Phonon assisted phenomena