For the first time, an effort to conduct coordinated interdisciplinary research on a vast and complex saline lake has been undertaken for the purposes of providing baseline data to guide restoration project activities. This volume compiles state-of-the-art science for the Salton Sea and will serve as the foundation for the next several generations of scientific inquiry for California’s largest lake. The science presented here reveals the Salton Sea to be one of the most productive fisheries in the world, details why the Salton Sea is important to migratory and wintering birds, investigates the microbial world and reports numerous taxa new to science, and documents chemical and physical interactions which make this inland saline lake function. This book is intended for specialists in saline lake research who are interested in all aspects of saline lake ecology. Proceedings of the Salton Sea Symposium, January 2000, Desert Hot Springs, California. Editors; D.A. Barnum, et al. Preface; M. Friend. Chemical and Physical Characteristics of the Salton Sea, California; G.C. Holden, A. Montao. Chemical evolution of the Salton Sea, California: nutrient and selenium dynamics; R.A. Schroeder, et al. Characteristics and Contaminants of the Salton Sea Sediments; R. Vogl, R. Henry. Reconstruction of Prehistoric Lake Cahuilla in the Salton Sea using GIS; J.E. Buckles, et al. Simulation of Wind-Driven Circulation in the Salton Sea: Implications for Indigenous Ecosystems; C.B. Cook, et al. Preliminary studies of cyanobacteria, picoplankton, and virioplankton in the Salton Sea with special attention to phylogenetic diversity among eight strains of filamentous Cyanobacteria; A.M. Wood, et al. Flagellate Cryptobia branchialis (Bodonida: Kinetoplastida), ectoparasite of tilapia from the Salton Sea; B.I. Kuperman, et al. Metazooplankton dynamics in the Salton Sea, California, 1997-1999; M.A. Tiffany, et al. Freeliving nematodes from the Salton Sea; R.M. Warwick, et al. Cryptomonads From The Salton Sea, California; S.B. Barlow, P. Kugrens. The benthic invertebrates of the Salton Sea: distribution and seasonal dynamics; P.M. Detwiler, et al. Naked Amoebae (Protozoa) of the Salton Sea, California; A. Rogerson, G. Hauer. The diatom flora of the Salton Sea, California; C.B. Lange, M.A. Tiffany. Invertebrates of the Salton Sea: A scanning electron microscopy portfolio; B.I. Kuperman, et al. Skeletal development in Hermesinum adriaticum Zacharias, a flagellate from the Salton Sea, California; M.A. Tiffany. Summer Movements of Desert Pupfish Among Habitats at the Salton Sea; R.J. Sutton. Fish Biology and Fisheries Ecology of the Salton Sea,California; R. Riedel, et al. Biology and migration of eared grebes at the Salton Sea; J.R. Jehl, R.McKernan. The Salton Sea as critical habitat to migratory and resident waterbirds; W.D. Shuford, et al. Possible Importance of Algal Toxins in the Salton Sea, California; K.M. Reifel, et al. Avian disease at the Salton Sea; M. Friend.


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The Salton Sea: Proceedings of the Salton Sea Symposium, Held in Desert Hot Springs, California 13-14 January 2000 (Developments in Hydrobiology)
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