This book provides an up-to-date presentation of a broad range of contemporary problems in inverse scattering involving acoustic, elastic and electromagnetic waves. Descriptions will be given of traditional (but still in use and subject to on-going improvements) and more recent methods for identifying either: a) the homogenized material parameters of (spatially) unbounded or bounded heterogeneous media, or b) the detailed composition (spatial distribution of the material parameters) of unbounded or bounded heterogeneous media, or c) the location, shape, orientation and material characteristics of an object embedded in a wellcharacterized homogeneous, homogenized or heterogeneous unbounded or bounded medium, by inversion of reflected, transmitted or scattered spatiotemporal recorded waveforms resulting from the propagation of probe radiation within the medium. Energy Functionals in Scattering Theory and Inversion of Low Frequency Moments (G. Dassios).- Inverse Scattering with Acoustic, Electromagnetic, and Elastic Waves as Applied in Nondestructive Evaluation (K. J. Langenberg et al.).- Inverse Problems in Geophysics (R. Snieder, J. Trampert).- Reconstruction of Media Posed as an Optimization Problem (P. M. van den Berg).- Some Quasi-Analytic and Numerical Methods for Acoustical Imaging of Complex Media (A. Wirgin).


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Wavefield Inversion (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences)
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