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Showing 16 of 24 products
Advances in Solid State Physics: v. 42 (Advances in Solid State Physics)
Peter Jung$63.00Original price was: $63.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00. -
Atomic Clusters and Nanoparticles / Agregats Atomiques et Nanoparticules: Les Houches Session LXXIII 2-28 July 2000 (Les Houches: Ecole D’ete De Physique Theorique)
Peter Jung$25.00Original price was: $25.00.$11.00Current price is: $11.00. -
Compounds with 1 to 7 Carbon Atom (Supplement to Subvolume A): Subvolume D (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology – New Series / Indexes)
Peter Jung$58.00Original price was: $58.00.$14.00Current price is: $14.00. -
Convective Heat Transfer
Peter Jung$89.00Original price was: $89.00.$14.00Current price is: $14.00. -
Deep Fields: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held at Garching, Germany, 9-12 October 2000 (Eso Astrophysics Symposia)
Peter Jung$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00. -
Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)
Peter Jung$23.00Original price was: $23.00.$17.00Current price is: $17.00. -
Electronic, Transport, Optical and Other Properties: Group IV Elements, IV-IV and III-V Compounds, Subvolume A1 (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology – New Series / Condensed Matter)
Peter Jung$64.00Original price was: $64.00.$7.00Current price is: $7.00. -
Epilepsy as a Dynamic Disease (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering)
Peter Jung$77.00Original price was: $77.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00. -
Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes: New Tools in Chemical, Physical and Life Sciences (Springer Series on Fluorescence Methods & Applications)
Peter Jung$103.00Original price was: $103.00.$19.00Current price is: $19.00. -
Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held in Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000 (Eso Astrophysics Symposia)
Peter Jung$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$7.00Current price is: $7.00. -
Hamiltonian Field Theory in the Radiating Regime (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs)
Peter Jung$47.00Original price was: $47.00.$18.00Current price is: $18.00. -
Laser Techniques for Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers from the 10th International Symposium Lisbon, Portugal July 10-13, 2000
Peter Jung$89.00Original price was: $89.00.$8.00Current price is: $8.00. -
Nanoelectrodynamics: Electrons and Electromagnetic Fields in Nanometer-Scale Structure (NanoScience and Technology)
Peter Jung$55.00Original price was: $55.00.$17.00Current price is: $17.00. -
Nonequilibrium Nondissipative Thermodynamics: With Application to Low-pressure Diamond Synthesis: v. 68 (Springer Series in Chemical Physics)
Peter Jung$63.00Original price was: $63.00.$14.00Current price is: $14.00. -
Nuclear Energy (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology – New Series / Advanced Materials and Technologies)
Peter Jung$87.00Original price was: $87.00.$14.00Current price is: $14.00. -
Oxides Other Than Perovskite-Type and LiNbO3 Family: Subvolume A Part 2: Oxides Other Than Perovskite-Type and Linbo3 Family (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology – New Series / Condensed Matter)
Peter Jung$89.00Original price was: $89.00.$13.00Current price is: $13.00.
Showing 16 of 24 products