

General Merrill A. McPeak: Leadership and Organizational Change, Air University, 9781249827559


“This study examines the effectiveness of General Merrill A. McPeak.s leadership as chief of staff of the Air Force in relation to the major command, composite wing, and objective wing reorganizations. In order to establish analytical criteria with which to evaluate General McPeak.s decisions and actions, this thesis also establishes a chief of staff organizational leadership model. Having established the organizational leadership model, the study examines General McPeak.s leadership in three case studies: the major command reorganization, the resurrection of composite wings, and the initiation of the objective wing structure. Each case study consists of three sections: a brief history of the organizational concept, an assessment of the input and output criteria from the organizational leadership model, and finally an analysis of General McPeak.s leadership. The case studies were selected because they represented the most fundamental changes to the Air Force during McPeak.s era as chief of staff. The major command case explores how the Air Force simplified and streamlined its organizational structure to prepare the service for a seamless transition from peace to war. The composite wing case examines a doctrinal shift away from the unitary wing structure, and the objective wing case explores the Air Force move to eliminate .stovepipe. organizations that reported off-base to an authority other than the installation commander. The study finds that the major command and objective wing reorganization were successful; however, the composite wing reorganization lacked proper analysis, planning, and attention to fiscal constraints. The major command reorganization enhanced combat capability and improved peacetime efficiency. The objective wing structure was revolutionary in nature and represented McPeak.s vision of one base, one wing, one boss. Overall, the study concludes that General McPeak.s leadership and vision significantly and positively improved the organizational

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