

Making Time to Lead: How Principals Can Stay on Top of It All, Roger Kaufman, 9780761938644


Due to the ever-increasing demands of the Headship, Head Teachers are leaving the schools in record numbers. Both primary and secondary heads claim their average workweek is between 80-90 hours. To complicate matters, the current emphasis in university, induction, and training programmes for headteachers is on leadership – instructional, curricular, ethical, etc. Lost in this focus are the day-to-day demands that often make managing one’s time as challenging as leading a school. Making Time to Lead provides timesaving tips, strategies, and practical ideas that will help headteachers better manage themselves, their office, and ultimately their school. The book will be divided into topical chapters: getting organized, creating a calendar, communicating with stakeholders, delegating responsibilities, planning through the summer, maintaining the personal touch, taking care of oneself. Richard A. Simon has been a high school principal for the past twenty years in three states. He is currently the principal of The Wheatley School, an 8th-12th grade public high school in Nassau County, Long Island. He has also served as principal at Allentown High School in Allentown, New Jersey, Amity Regional High School, in Woodbridge, Connecticut, and at Cherry Hill High School West, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Mr. Simon holds a Master’s in Education from Harvard University. He has received a Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Fellow for School Leadership Award and a National CBE Fellow for Independent Study in the Humanities grant. Mr. Simon serves as a chair for the new Accreditation For Growth Middle States process and is the co-author of (Corwin Press 2000). Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction 1. Organizing Setting Up Your Organizational System Make To-Do Lists Keep Up With Mail Make Special Folders Clip, Post, and Save Those Articles Creating Your Own Filing System Carry Your Desk With You Technology Can Set You Free Copying Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery Be Your School’s Historian Be Ready For Prospective Parents Note Cards: The Best Invention Since Sliced Bread The Master Key Is a Must Student Planners 2. Time Building Your Calendar Being in Two Places at Once Meetings Getting Started Coffee Shop Time Telephone Time Save Your Calendars Accreditation 3. Communication How to Use a Telephone Visibility: Leading by Walking Around The Working Lunch Parents as Partners Public Presentations 4. Delegation Questions to Ask Use Your Staff Faculty Meetings Can Be Fun 5. Summer Staff Selection Save Those Resumes Student Placement Records Student Placement Procedures Keeping Your Files Active Getting Ready for the Year Remember Your Own Professional Development 6. People Know Your Faculty and Staff Learn Those Student Names Break Bread Together The Little Things Do Matter Buy Stock in Hallmark Everyone Values a Break Let Them Eat Ice Cream 7. Self Keep a Journal Conferences Study Groups Portfolios Preparing Future Principals Administrative Retreats Pamper Yourself Teach a Class Reading and Sharing Resource A: Today’s Agenda Resource B: Yearly Task List Resource C: Faculty Note Cards Resource D: Student Planner Memo Resource E: Aspiring Administrator Training Brochure Resource F: Administrative Retreat Memo

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