

Multicultural Education: A Source Book (RoutledgeFalmer Readers in Education), Diem, Sarah, 9780815317449

Author: Diem, Sarah


Multicultural education, as defined by Patricia G. Ramsey and Leslie R. Williams, is a process-oriented creation of learning experiences that foster educational equity, an awareness of and respect for the diversity of our society and world; and a commitment to create a more just and equitable society for all people. These learning experiences are relevant to all children and their families, all pedagogical, curricular and administrative decisions and every aspect of local and national educational policy. Following this philosophy, Ramsey and Williams have assembled a new and updated sourcebook containing essays and annotations about a variety of issues in multicultural education. This new edition gathers a range of topics and puts them in a meaningful historical context. The authors offer a comprehensive overview of multicultural education’s past, it’s current status and its possible futures. Providing an additional extensive bibliographies for readers who would like to pursue their interests further.

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