

Quality Work Teams in Schools: Team Types, Functions, Challenges, and Implementation, Terence Hawkes, 9781502513205


A growing number of schools and districts are considering using teams to handle all types of decision-making and advisory activities. The term “teams” can be applied to a wide spectrum of groups with various purposes or powers. This book was designed to assist those who want to create efficient, successful teams. It provides suggestions on effective structures and practices for different types of work teams at the district and school levels. The total quality management (TQM) principles of W. Edwards Deming provide the philosophical foundation for successful teamwork in schools. Chapter 1 introduces the concept of TQM and explains what districts and schools have learned from the business world’s experience with work teams. Chapter 2 provides the rationale behind the work-team approach to decision-making in schools and education, highlighting the advantages of using a team approach. Chapter 3 lists various types of teams used in education and offers examples from Oregon schools and districts. Team functions and members’ roles are described in Chapter 4, with a focus on the facilitator’s relationship to other team members. Chapter 5 cites common problems and offers a platform for experienced team members and consultants to give advice on how to overcome those problems. The final chapter summarizes steps schools can take to ensure the success of their teams. A summary of quality work teams is included.

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